what is a tummy tuck?
Tummy tuck, also known as "abdominoplasty", is a surgical procedure in which:
- excess fat is removed
- excess skin (with any stretch marks) is removed
- Stretched ("leurped") abdominal muscles are tightened.
The result is a firmer and smoother abdominal profile and contours.
A flat and toned stomach is something that many of us strive for by means of:
- weight management (balanced nutrition) and
- physical activity (sports).
But sometimes these methods are not enough. Even people with normal body weight - normal BMI - can develop unsightly fat rolls on the abdomen.
Possible reasons for this are:
- Weight fluctuations (weight gain and loss)
- Pregnancy
- Heredity
- Age
A tummy tuck can give the appearance of a tighter, flatter stomach . It is therefore also a popular procedure that is often used as part of a mommy makeover.
Many people consider a liposuction, but the possibilities and results of liposuction are much more limited than those of a tummy tuck.
The big difference with liposuction is that with a tummy tuck much more result and a much greater before-after effect can be achieved:
- larger amounts of fat can be removed
- excess skin can also be removed
- And especially that the abdominal muscles are restored: open ("diastasis") or worn muscles are contracted and reattached to each other as a kind of corset. This results in a narrower waist and a better posture.
We often hear from patients that they were initially reluctant to have a tummy tuck because:
- it requires a longer repair. However, we see many patients who very quickly resume their normal lives, even after 2 weeks of work, for example.
- they had some fear of the scar after a tummy tuck. It is true that the scar does indeed take time (+- 6 months to 1 year) to heal, but we already see very beautiful scars after only 6 weeks (see before and after photos tummy tuck). Hieronder ziet u een foto van de littekens na 3 maanden.

There are several techniques for a tummy tuck.
In the classic ("complete") abdominoplasty, fat and skin are removed laterally over the entire abdomen (above and below the belly button).
In this technique, a horizontal incision is made in the pubic area and a small incision around the belly button.
This technique is used when you have open abdominal muscles and excess skin (stretch marks)/fat above and below the belly button.
There are other tummy tuck techniques, but they are not performed by us:
- Mini tummy tuck = only removes fat/skin in the abdominal area below the belly button. This technique is only suitable for patients with a lower amount of excess skin and fat in the lower part of the abdomen, and if the abdominal muscles are not open, so only exceptionally the appropriate technique.
- Fleur-de-Lis tummy tuck: More extensive tummy tuck in which a T-incision is made (horizontal + vertical scar). This technique is usually performed on patients with "massive weight" (bariatric surgery).
- Reverse tummy tuck = is used in rare cases and often in combination with a breast lift.
In general, you may be a good candidate for a tummy tuck if:
- you are physically healthy and at a stable weight
- you have realistic expectations
- you are a nonsmoker
The best result is achieved with persons who are not overweight but have a normal Body Mass Index (BMI) of 20-25. In some cases, a prior regime of healthy eating and exercise is recommended.
In general, you can be a good candidate for a tummy tuck if:
- you are physically fit and healthy and at a (for you) stable weight.
Although the results of a tummy tuck are technically permanent, the positive outcome can be greatly reduced by significant fluctuations in your weight. For that reason, individuals considering significant weight loss or pregnancy are advised to postpone a tummy tuck.
- you have realistic expectations
- you don't smoke
The best result is achieved in people with a normal Body Mass Index (BMI) of 20-25. In some cases, therefore, a prior diet and exercise are recommended.
In certain cases, the combination of tummy tuck and liposuction will offer the optimal solution.
tummy tuck procedure
During your consultation, your plastic surgeon will explain the tummy tuck procedure: incisions (and scars), post op care,...
A tummy tuck is performed in day surgery so that you are back home in the evening to recover in the comfort of your own home.
The horizontal incision in the bikini line is made just above the pubic area and below the navel. It is important to realize that there will be a scar even though this scar will be well hidden in the slip.
The shape and length of this incision is determined by the amount of excess skin.
With a classic tummy tuck, a small circular incision is made around the navel.

Then the skin and fat layers are loosened to the stretched abdominal muscles ("diastasis").
After that, these can be contracted ("rewrought") and restored, creating a flatter and firmer belly and a slimmer waist.
With the classic tummy tuck, a new navel opening is created.

Once the muscles are tightened, the excess skin and fat is trimmed.
Then the scar is closed. It is important to know that the scar is closed in several layers to distribute the tension, so that it can be sutured under the skin with soluble thread that does not have to be removed afterwards.
In addition, no drains are placed with us (see further "tummy tuck without drains"), which gives the patient more comfort during recovery.
Finally, a support bandage is applied (read also "recovery tummy tuck").
Click here to watch a 3D animation of a tummy tuck, developed by the American Society for Plastic Surgeons (attention! with sound).
In the past, and still in many places, tummy tucks were performed using drains (tubes that are sutured into the wound after surgery and drain blood and tissue fluid). These drains are then removed after a few days.
By applying the most modern recent techniques (such as the Baroudi technique with "quilting sutures") and so-called "gentle tissue handling" (more focus on dry operation), there is no need to leave these annoying drains. That is why Plastic Surgeon Dr Nelissen performs all tummy tucks without the use of drains.
A tummy tuck without drains gives the patient a much less complicated recovery.
As with any surgery, recovery varies from person to person.
From our experience, we know that there is a relative immobilization during the first 4 days.
After the removal of the support bandage (after about 4 days), a pressure suit is put on and the daily activities can be built up according to your own feeling.
This is different for everyone. We have patients who went back for a walk with the dog after 4 days or drove patient rounds (independent nurse) or a hairdresser who was back in her salon.
It is very important that the aftercare instructions are followed properly. For example, various control appointments will be scheduled so that the evolution of the cure can be checked and additional advice can be given, including the day after the operation, week 1, week 2, after 3 months, and preferably also after 6 months and 1 year, or as often as necessary. Dr. Nelissen will also always be available to resolve any concerns his patients may have during their recovery.
Click here to see before-and-after photos about tummy tuck.
how much does a Tummy Tuck cost?
- € 3.500 (< 2h ) + € 500 per per additional half hour of surgery time (clear quotation will be given after the consultation)
- Inclusive General Anaesthesia by an anaesthesiologist
Click here to see what is included in these prices.
Course of your treatment
We refer to the information mentioned under course of treatment. Please read this information very carefully.
Side-effects and postoperative complications
This surgery has the same risks as any other surgery. Please refer to the information mentioned under course of your treatment. The specific risks and possible complications are also explained during the interview with the plastic surgeon.