The Global Care Clinic uses the SkinTech Peelings.

Depending on the condition of your skin and the results which you seek, the plastic surgeon will help you to choose the right peeling. Medical Peelings are performed by plastic surgeon Dr Nelissen.
These peelings cannot be compared with the peelings, fruit acid treatments,…, used by a beautician, which are only focused on a superficial exfoliation of the skin.
We offer a full range of peeling depths, from epidermal up to reticular dermis peels:
“makes your face look radiant again”
This superficial peeling is not a medical peeling and will be performed by one of our beauticians.
- Graduate, accumulative effect.
- It is for patients who want an effective acne or anti-aging treatment but do not want their skin to flake.
- Recommended in a cure of 4 treatments
- No downtime: you can continue your normal activities immediately.
- No anaesthesia required/well tolerated.
After applying the peeling, the skin will lightly tingle. At the end of the session, the treated areas will be lightly massaged in order to stop the tingling sensation. This tingling feeling can come and go during one hour after the treatment. During the next days after the peeling, your skin might flake lightly, if it even flakes.
- Do not wash the skin until the next morning (prolonged action of the peeling). The next morning you may clean the skin as usual.
- In the morning and in the evening you put on the recommended SkinTech skincare products. You need to protect the skin against the sun with a sunblock.
“makes you look younger again”
- Treatment of pigment spots and age spots, (discoloration) melasma and acne.
- Rejuvenation of hands.
- Treatment of scars and stretch marks (chemabrasion).
- Recommended in a cure of 4 treatments with minimum interval of 6 to 10 days (face) or 2 weeks (rest of the body).
- The skin will clearly flake, depending on the amount of layers of TCA.
- No downtime: you can continue your normal activities immediately.
- No anaesthesia required.
- Unique for this peeling is the “post peel cream” which gives an immediate pleasant feeling and reduces the redness and swelling, compared to other kinds of peelings. This will not diminish the results and effectiveness of the peeling
- A phenol peeling of the eyelids or around the mouth is always combined with a lighter peeling (Unideep or Easy TCA) of the rest of the face, in order to even out the result.
It is not necessary to prepare the skin. After applying the peeling you will experience a feeling of warmth that is perfectly bearable. The first 2 days after the peeling your face feels a little tight. The 3rd and 4th day your skin will peel (flake), but this can be well concealed with the corresponding creams.
- Do not wash the skin until the next day. The post peel cream which was put on after the peeling, must stay on until the next day. The next morning you may clean the skin as usual.
- In the morning and in the evening you put on the recommended Skin Tech skincare products. The more the skin is moisturized, the easier the skin will flake; your skin will feel better and the results will also be better. You need to protect the skin against the sun with a sunblock.
“full rejuvenation”
- Regenerates the structure of the skin with a rejuvenating effect. Dermis and epidermis renewal.
- Activates the collagen synthesis
- 1 treatment produces the same result as 4 sessions Easy TCA.
- A phenol peeling of the eyelids or around the mouth is always combined with a lighter peeling (Unideep or Easy TCA) of the rest of the face, in order to even out the result.
- Not so optimal for pigmentation.
- Downtime: recovery period of about 5 days
If there is a risk of pigment changes, you should use the Blending Bleaching Cream during 2 to 3 weeks before the peeling.
If you are a sensitive type, you can consider local anaesthesia. After applying the peeling you will experience an intense heat sensation that quickly soothes after applying the post peel cream.
- Do not wash the skin until the next morning (prolonged action of the peeling). The next morning you may clean the skin as usual.
- From the 7th to the 30th day after the treatment, you will need to put on the Blending Bleaching Cream at least 2 times a day, combined with the other recommended Skin Tech skincare products. You need to protect the skin against the sun with a sunblock.
"Full rejuvenation for the skin around the eyes, the lips or the whole face."
- Phenol Peeling (chemical), which is comparable to CO2 laser resurfacing or surgical dermabrasion (mechanical).
- Designed to wipe out deep wrinkles around the mouth or the lower eyelids and to turn back time with 10, 15 or 20 years.
- After one week your new skin will appear.
- Downtime: recovery period is about 8 days during which your social life will be limited because of the swelling and flaking of your face.
- Recommended in a limited number of cases which only your surgeon can assess whether it is suitable or not for you.
- Important contraindications: pregnancy, breastfeeding, insulin dependent diabetes, herpes.
If there is a risk of pigment changes, you should use the Blending Bleaching Cream during 2 to 3 weeks before the peeling.
After applying the peeling you will experience an intense heat sensation during 12 to maximum 15 seconds. After that the peeling is usually well tolerated.
A phenol peeling of the eyelids or around the mouth is always combined with a lighter peeling (Unideep or Easy TCA) of the rest of the face, in order to even out the result.
- Immediately after the peeling, an ointment or a transparent bandage will be put on. The day of the treatment you may not wash the skin. The next morning you may clean the face as usual, but not the treated area. Bring in eye drops several times a day if necessary (artificial tears).
- 24 hours after the treatment the surgeon will need to see you again and will remove the ointment or bandage and put on an Antibacterial product. You should continue to apply this product as long as the treated area is moist.
- On the third day the pain will return during a few hours; this is normal and within expectation: you can take a pain reliever if you wish. If necessary we recommend any paracetamol as painkiller.
- On the third or fourth day the surgeon will need to see you again in order to check that there are no infections.
- On the 5th and 6th day, when the yellow powder cracks, you need to put on some white Vaseline.
- On the 7th day the new skin becomes visible.
- On the 8th day, make up and shaving is allowed. Under no circumstances the treated skin may be exposed to the sun. You need to protect the skin against the sun with a sunblock.
- After 15 days, 1 month and 3 months, you will go on consultation to the surgeon who will check how the treatment responds and will evaluate the results.
- Prolonged redness/pink discoloration of the treated skin is normal but can be easily concealed with special mineral make up by Jane Iredale.
- During 3 months you will need to use the Blending Bleaching Cream in order to prevent pigment spots and Re-Nutric ACE, an antioxidant cream with vitamins A, C and E to moisturize the skin. Keep using sunblock. The more you moisturize and protect the skin, the more you optimize and extend the effects of the peeling.
- ideal for fine wrinkles of the face and often used in combination with Lip & Eyelid Phenol
- Downtime: on average one week.
“a deep local treatment”
- Recommended for very local age spots on the hands, face and décolleté.
- Local and deep:
this is a deep peeling used to treat ageing and sun spots and benign local kerastoses in the face and on the body. The spots may not be larger than 1 cm diameter. Treatment with Only Touch must always be combined with an Easy TCA peel to equalize the results.
Blending Bleaching Cream must be used during 2 to 3 weeks before the peeling.
The peeling substance illuminates the spots; immediately after the treatment an Easy TCA peeling will be applied to even out the result.
- Do not wash the treated areas until the next day.
- Use Skin Tech care creams: a vitamin E cream to moisturize the skin; and in the morning and in the evening the Blending Bleaching Cream on the spots to equalize your complexion.
- A few days after the peeling some crusts will be formed. This is perfectly normal and you should not worry. The scabs will heal within 10 days. You may not pick or scratch the treated area, and you must always moisturize it.
Your personal Anti-Aging Project
Read here about the importance of combination treatments and how we create a personal anti-aging program for each patient, the so-called “customised anti-wrinkle treatment“.
Price Indication
Click here to see the prices for Medical Peelings.
Side effects / complications
- A peeling is a very safe treatment. Rare risks include an allergic reaction to any of the ingredients or an infection. The very superficial skin damage can sometimes lead to a bacterial infection.
- Deeper peels can sometimes provoke herpes outburst with people who are familiar with a herpes simplex (cold sores) in the face. In these cases an antiviral agent will be prescribed.
- Another possible complication is scar formation: this could occur after infection of the treated skin area. Also, picking or scratching the scabs can lead to scars.
- Post Inflammatory Hyperpigmentation (P.I.H.) is always possible after a peeling but can be minimised by the Blending Bleaching Cream. In some cases an extra magisterial bleaching ointment is prescribed by the doctor. 20% of the pigmented lesions will not disappear after one treatment package.